Interview with Electronic Artist Transistor Rhythms - The 124 Society

Interview with Electronic Artist Transistor Rhythms

Share a little bit about your musical background and how you got started in the industry.

I started playing violin when I was young, but had a long hiatus from playing music until my twenties.  When I discovered the UK rave scene, I was hooked instantly, bought a cheap set of Numarks and never looked back. 

Where are you living at the moment?

Bristol, UK. A city famous for bass culture.

What inspired your latest album, "The Art Of Being Yourself"?

The Art Of Being Yourself

The track Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt was the jumping off point. That track was the result of a week of solid experimentation which took my music to a place it had never been before. The feeling it gives me is very special and I knew that I'd found a new direction.

When is the release date?

June 21, 2024

Who are a few of your musical influences, and how have they shaped your sound?

Some of the influences for this album come from unlikely places. Caresses was inspired by Foals and Pink Floyd. I wanted to write an electronic song that developed like an old rock record. One of the ones that "no-one writes anymore." I wrote the synth parts in a day, but it took months to get the drums and arrangement right.

How did you approach writing each one of your songs?

It's never the same, but I'm always looking for something that creates a feeling. It has to really pull me in and move me or it goes in the bin. I'll often write a great drum track, but the melodic section isn't right and pull it all apart and re-build the idea until it works. Sometimes it works quickly, sometimes it takes days.

What do you hope listeners take away from your music?

That electronic music, especially techno, can have a real feeling and emotional impact.

Are there any collaborations you'd love to pursue in the future?

For now, I'm staying in my lane. I'm very focused on what I'm doing and have a clear direction. But there are so many artists that I love and respect, I'm sure if the right chance came up I would tempted.

How do you stay inspired and motivated as an artist?

I don't know what I'd do without music. Motivation is never a problem.

Is there a message or theme that you consistently try to convey through your music?

There are messages and themes, but the beauty of music is that it's open to interpretation. Our own experiences shape how we react to what we see and hear, so I think that's best left to the listener to decide.

What's been the most rewarding aspect of creating music?

I make so many tracks, but it's a very satisfying feeling when you know you've finished a good one! 

Where will you be playing live to support your new album?

The album launch party is going to be pretty special, keep an eye out for info.

More Information on Transistor Rhythms
